The 5 Healthiest Fruits That Exist!
In today's article, we will show you the 5 healthiest fruits that exist. Good nutrition is a key factor in maintaining good health. Obviously, fruits are one of the best foods as they have the most benefits for the body and especially vitamins. This is why it is always recommended to consume them.
It is best to eat them fresh. If this is not possible, there are many fruits that retain their properties even when dried or frozen. You should also remember that it is better to eat seasonal fruits or those that are more produced in the area where you live. You can eat the fruit in different ways or make different dishes with them.
1. Bilberries
Bilberries are fruits that grow mainly in cold climates and belong to the northern hemisphere. They have very few calories and multiple properties that are great for the body. One of the main ones is their high content of vitamin C, potassium, iron, and calcium. In addition, they are characterized by their high concentration of natural pigments such as anthocyanins and carotenoids. Regarding the benefits of anthocyanins contained in blueberries, a study has been conducted by Dr. Wuyang Huang. This study can be found here.
This is why blueberries are extremely natural antioxidants and help prevent diseases such as cancer or macular degeneration. They are also an excellent aid in preventing urinary tract infections. Finally, it is a rich source of fiber and improves bowel function and the health of teeth, hair, and muscles.
2. Oranges, from healthy fruits
Oranges are also on the list of the healthiest fruits. As you know, they are an excellent source of vitamin C which helps prevent or even treat respiratory diseases such as the flu, colds, or colds. This fruit contains significant amounts of potassium which is ideal for muscles. It also contains hesperidin, a substance that significantly lowers blood cholesterol levels.
The aroma released by oranges soothes nerves and stress and is therefore ideal for relaxation. Another property of this fruit is that it is an excellent antioxidant and has a strong cleansing effect and thus disinfects the body while protecting cells.
3. Apples, from healthy fruits
A very popular and third of the healthiest fruit is the apple. It is a natural and very effective antioxidant and this is mainly due to the flavonoids it contains. It has the ability to prevent diseases such as cancer and to delay the aging process while generally strengthening the immune system. Dentists recommend consuming it as it reduces the levels of bacteria present in the mouth.
The peels of apples are high in fiber that lower cholesterol levels in the blood and above all enhance bowel function.
4. Kiwis
Although not a very popular fruit, kiwi has many properties that are unknown to most people. It is an important source of fiber that, as we have mentioned in other cases, helps balance cholesterol levels and facilitates intestinal motility. As unbelievable as it may seem to you, kiwi contains twice as much vitamin C as oranges. According to research from the University of Massey, kiwis can become part of our daily diet thanks to their benefits.
This vitamin strengthens your immune system and prevents diseases of the respiratory system while also helping to absorb iron. Kiwis are rich in lutein, a natural pigment that acts as a filter for sunlight.
5. Strawberries
The last on our list of the healthiest fruits are strawberries. In addition to being delicious, strawberries are a very healthy fruit. Strawberries contain high levels of vitamin C, lecithin, and pectin which lower cholesterol levels and prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis. Strawberries also control type II diabetes as well as heart problems and inflammation. They contain Omega 9 and minerals such as magnesium and copper.
Strawberries are an ideal solution for cases of diarrhea due to their astringent ability. They are also used for skin treatments mainly for injuries and pimples. Finally, we should mention that strawberries are a natural toothpaste: they keep the mouth clean, protect the teeth from decay and prevent bad breath.
Now that you know what the healthiest fruits are, it's a good idea to try to include them in your diet.