Physical Fitness And Its Elements That Are The Cornerstone of High Fitness

Physical Fitness And Its Elements That Are The Cornerstone of High Fitness

Physical fitness is the physical level that a person attains depending on the activities that he performs in his normal day, which by virtue of the case make him physically and muscularly fit, and let us separate between two types of physical fitness, which are the physical fitness of the average person, who exercises just to maintain his body and agility And to be able to do normal daily things, and there is another type of physical fitness, which is physical fitness for athletes, and those who perform special exercises so that they can do their sport properly free of any injuries or muscle spasms, including swimming, running, and athletics And rope skipping, and one of the sports most interested in the various elements of physical fitness, athletics, which require physical and muscular effort at a high level of activity and efficiency.

The elements of physical fitness are at the core of fitness itself, and it is a form of physical, psychological, and mental importance, such as:


Speed in the performance of exercise is an important and vital factor for fitness itself, as it helps to perform exercises in general in a short time, and one of the most important sports that you need is swimming, running, and various races.


And here we do not mean muscle strength only, but psychological strength at the same time, because without these two forces together at the same time, we will be defeated or fail to achieve the desired goal, and the strength is gained from performing strong exercises, which require high concentration in doing Out; So that the subject does not turn to the contrary, and leads to the demolition of the body, not its construction.


It is to give the body flexibility to perform its movements with ease and to avoid any injuries resulting from performing such unusual exercises, unlike a flexible and fit body.


It means that the body is characterized by lightness and rapid performance of all the exercises that it performs, and the lack of fatigue when moving, and our body appears in a slim and harmonious form without any flabbiness and obesity at all.


It is the body's ability to endure strenuous exercise and its resistance to fatigue, which varies from person to person according to the sporting spirit and discipline in performing regular exercises in a correct manner.


It is that a person has a balance between physical health and physical and muscle fitness and that he has sufficient stability, and depends heavily on the nervous system, and his safety to make some dangerous movements, which require high balance such as walking on ropes.

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