Tips To Stay Healthy These Winter Holidays

 Tips To Stay Healthy These Winter Holidays

Practicing "mindful eating" can help you increase the enjoyment of rich holiday foods, without eating too much. 

Going to the holidays with a plan to get over adversity (think candy box!) Is more effective than any plan ever. Indulge, a little bit, while you still feel good about yourself.

1. To start, cut yourself some slack!

Exercises who show self-pity after a choppy routine, it is best to get back on track with exercise goals. If you're binging a holiday party, give yourself ahead, and plan to take back control the next day.

 Drinking alcohol with non-alcoholic drinks can be a strategy to avoid overconsumption. 

2. Plan (and make a backup plan)

Planning is the key to healthy eating and staying active. If you like outdoor activities, plan a few outdoor activities each week, but also include some indoor activities.

If too many parties threaten to derail your healthy eating habits, plan a high-protein snack before heading out. It may sound silly to eat before but a pre-party snack will keep you satisfied and less likely to snack while you're there

3.Choose wisely at the dining table

If there is only one size of panels available and it's huge, don't despair! Choose four or five foods you really want to try, and take the smallest portion necessary to satisfy your cravings.

4. Get creative with your exercise

Be creative about sneaking in some ways to add activity time to your celebrations.

Being active doesn't have to mean counting times at the gym - going skiing and a hill run or planning an indoor scavenger hunt if the weather gets really cold. Get all family members involved and off the sofa.

5. Stick with the routine

Routine interruptions make it easy to give up all good intentions. It is difficult to start eating healthy food again when we start eating junk food.

Stick with a few items from your routine to make returning to swing things easier after the holidays.

6. Try to eat less food

Eating is fun, but overdoing it can leave us less joyful.

To keep your stomach connected with your mind as you eat, try mindful eating - practicing full existence while you savor each bite.

Experiencing the food in this way forces you to focus on feeling full and satisfied, and it may help [control how much you eat].

7. Choose activities that feel good

By choosing the healthy activities and foods that you enjoy, you are more likely to remain active and eat healthily. When you choose activities that make you feel good, you are likely to come back for more, so even if you do some intense exercise, build up calming relaxation time.

 She goes dancing or doing music to keep her active during the holiday season. 

8. Know what you drink

Cup-raising goes hand-in-hand with the holidays, but it can quickly sabotage plans for a healthy vacation. And cocktails often contain hidden calories, which can lead us to overeat and make it difficult to revitalize the next day.

9. Create your own festive foods

While the holiday season can be a whirlwind, take some time to prepare your foods as often as possible. By DIY-ing your meals, you can create healthy alternatives for your favorite holiday 

 Santa's strawberry anyone? 

And while you're at it, have the kids participate in the holiday season - kids who learn to cook gain the skills behind the food prep that takes them into adulthood.

10. Crank the music

Music can help motivate you to keep going and have fun exercising, so upgrade your Boney M. Christmas tunes while you run the treadmill - find the music you like and you'll find it easier to get moving.

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